Tuesday, September 1, 2015

More New Models

Hello everyone!

Today is my birthday, but it was celebrated Saturday. I only got three (well, Sonsela would have been the 4th, but I got her on my own) models this birthday because I have a horse now and asked for more stuff for him. :)

First up, and the Mid States Distributing Mustang set.
I am sorry for the bad pictures. I took these in mid day...just because I needed some pictures for this post. I will take more soon so the legs don't disappear into the background!!

These two are absolutely beautiful..and with Gretel being one of my favorite molds of all time, I was so happy to get her. Sadly, during the photo shoot she fell from a fence and now has some rubs, but she is still Photo Show quality. :( 

I happened to get the fall on camera. 

Gretel conga

My 3rd model is a 2015 Warmblood Mare Stablemate. She has a glossy sheen to her (and so does the Gretel) and has a very smooth paint job. I hand picked her and she is just beautiful.

I cannot wait to get into the show ring with these new models. I think they will take MEPSA and the IMEHA by storm. :) 



Hello! Feel free to comment....I love to get opinions, suggestions, and compliments. I will answer any questions. If you leave a link to your blog, I will check it out! Thanks, and enjoy Bits and Spurs!

~CBL (Colorado Breyer Lover)