Monday, May 25, 2015

NEW HORSE!!! Meet: Cheyenne

Well, that was fast. 

Sold the mini's on Saturday, and bought our little Cheyenne today. 

I had been emailing the owner for about a week and a half  before the minis were sold asking questions about Cheyenne (her name was formerly Hope, but my family and I wanted a more Indian originated name). 

Anyway, today (even though it was my younger sister's birthday) my dad, mom, two little sisters, and I all drove an hour and half to meet Cheyenne. 

She is a barrel horse, and when I first got to the barn she stays at, I could see that her owners have her run all of the time. I asked about it and her owner said that every time they ride Cheyenne her daughter gallops her and that they have never been on a ride where they did not have her run. 

As I watched Cheyenne, I could see that when when her daughter asked her to canter, she did it, but it was obvious that she was saying "really!? I have to canter again!" As soon as I got on her and she found that she didn't have to run, she was like "Oh, this is nice. I don't have to run!" 

Can't you see Ollie in her!?

My mom rode her, and she did fantastic. Cheyenne is a 10 year old POA mare, and is 13.2....perfect size for lessons. After thinking about it for about 2 minutes, I decided (along with my mom and dad, of course) to go ahead and get her (did I ever mention i was a impulsive person?). 

For the first few weeks she is at our house, I will just do groundwork and show her that she does not have to run all over the place. I do not know exactly when she will be arriving, but sometime after the brand inspection this week or early next week.  She has a amazing mind and a kind eye. I actually see a lot of Ollie in her when I am walking her, riding her, or standing by her. I think she will have a great home here, and my dad and mom love her!

We got another horse! (well, pony actually but.....yeah).



  1. Congrats, Alyssa! Cheyenne looks amazing! I love her name :)


    1. Thank you so much!!! I love her, and she is super sweet. Cannot wait until she gets to my house!

  2. Wow! That was so fast, congrats! She looks a lot like Ollie. I Love the name and I cant wait for more post about her ;)

    1. Thank you!! I will do more posts as soon as can...super busy!


  3. Congrats! She could be Ollie's little sister, in likeness anyways. That's so great that you have your lesson horse!

    1. I think I was drawn to her because she look so much like Ollie.Ollie has much better conformation, but Cheyenne still resembles him so much. She is wicked smart though, so we shall see who is brighter. I still think Ollie is, but who knows!

  4. She is gorgeous and her name is beautiful!

  5. She is beautiful! You'r so luck to have horses. Sigh. Oh congrats for finding her so quick. Realy pleased for you!


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~CBL (Colorado Breyer Lover)