I am back, y'all. With a very long blog post, too!! :D
So, last week Mrs. June (my horse trainer), her husband, Mr. Wendell, and my whole family made the trip down to the middle of Denver to go to the 2015 RAM Invitational Freestyle Reining at the National Western Stock Show. Mrs. June bought the tickets for us because I was very interested in reining for Ollie (because I happen to be interested in all things with Ollie and cannot decide on one). I found out that Ollie was trained by the reining trainer when he was younger and knows how to do sliding stops, rollbacks, and spins. Because Western is where my heart seems to really lie, I am seriously considering doing it with him. We shall see.
Of course, if you know me and this blog well enough then you will know that I am a visual person and I take lots, and lots of pictures. I tried my best to take some at this event, but it was dark (they dimmed the lights) and then if I put on the flash the people in front of me where I was sitting would give me dirty looks. So, most of the pictures are blurry, but fun none the less!!!
Enjoy, everybody!!!!
This was a Gunner (my favorite reining stallion EVER). He ended up winning. |
Montanas Stylish Nic with Steve Swartzenberger |
The Gunner!!! Hollywood Golden Gun with Shane Brown |
Nicadual and Stars with Guy Vernon |
Bridle-less entry!! Game Day Surprise with Sharee Schwartzenberger. |
Paul Dun Did It with Aaron Ralston. |
KR Easy Chic with Gabe Garrison |
I do not remember these guys.... |
Then we had a Intermission.
...Back to the reining!!!!
Double Tag Chex with Devin Warren |
Zins Smart Spark with Marcelo Cruz |
Lil Custom Coupe with Claire Streeter |
Nics Rooster with Melanie Wilhelm. |
Sonic Chic Dream with Drake Johnson |
Gunner Git Ya Dun with Pete Kyle |
the 2014 Champions Magnum Refund with Jessica Dooley. |
At the end they had all of the entrants come back out and they were awarded their ribbons.
THE WINNER!!!! The Gunner baby!!! |
Looks like you had a great time! Can't wait to see what you decide to do with Ollie!
Me too!!! It may take me a while to decide though, so don't hold your breath!! :D
Love all the pictures!
ReplyDeleteThanks!! I tried to take good quality ones, but like I said, it was pretty hard to. :)
That's really cool but can someone please explain why a person in a chicken suit was being dragged behind a horse?
ReplyDeleteI know!! I was sort of surprised by a human being drug behind a horse, but it was part of their freestyle reining entry. I am glad I wasn't the person in the chicken suit being drug around the arena at the canter, though!!!
I'm surprised the judge would allow it. But that's horse people, we are all crazy! I wouldn't want to be dragged around though eithe.