I knew that I shouldn't have done it....click the "RETIRED" bar on the breyer website. Yes, I am always on Identify Your Breyer, but it isn't the same when you are looking at it on the Breyer web. After I clicked "RETIRED" and almost fell apart when I saw that (like I needed to be reminded) O' Leary's Irish Diamond was gone **sniffles** (I still don't have him, really want him. Secret Santa maybe?) Anyway, after that emotional moment, I went to the Limited Edition Retired products and stumbled on some of the Greek Gods from last year. They were so beautiful, that I had to post them. I will let the banners speak for themselves.
and Apollo

He actually was released before Dionysus, but he didn't come with a banner and I didn't want to mess up "The look." So beautiful! I am not particularly fond of glossy models though. I think I would be more happy with the Greek Goddess series because the first model released in the series (Hera) looks matte.
Speaking of which, Breyerfest has released another horse in celebration of their birthday.....
Bonne Fete (French for "Happy Birthday")

Bonne Fete is a red bay appy in the Carrick mold. This is the second release of this mold. Carrick began first, who was the 2013 Premier club special. I like him (Bonne Fete), but I have heard from others who own Carrick and say that he has wonky legs (some longer than others). I don't know.....maybe I will have someone pick him up for me at Breyerfest!!!
****Note: There was a bay roan Carrick made for the 2013 Breyerfest auction, but I didn't count him as a "normal run" because he was one of a kind.***
Bay roan Carrick
Just too stunning. Shield your eyes!